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Aviation History is our passion. We constantly read books with amazing stories about pilots and their planes from World War 1 until our days. While reading about these air wars and the men who fought them over the globe, Greek names are a common view inside the books pages. 20 years ago, our team decided to research those Greek and Greek parentage brave airmen and make them known on their ancestores land, Greece. Our research produced an impressive amount of data and info for all these youngsters who went to war for freedom and the outcome was the publication of our two volumes entitled as ‘Greeks in Foreign Cockpits’, in 2014 and 2017. We will keep publish books in this series, although the need to present them publicly led us to the creation of this website. We will never be able to cover all of them in our books so we decided to save their stories here, were everyone will read and be proud of them and their achievements. We hope that you are going to enjoy your trip to our research!
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